How are you feeling this week? What have been your biggest wins? What hasn't gone so well? What lessons have you taken away from these experiences? Are you ready to let them go now? This week, let's talk about how to build resilience! Resilience is the ability to bounce back from life’s setbacks, challenges, and stress. It’s not about avoiding difficulties, but about developing the tools to thrive through them. Here are 5 of HappiMe's tips for how you can start building resilience today: 1. Embrace Change! 🌱 Change is a part of life. The more adaptable you are, the stronger your resilience will be. 2. Practice Self-Awareness! 🧠 Tune into your thoughts and emotions. Recognizing how you react to challenges helps you develop healthier coping strategies.
Hi there!
How are you feeling this week? What have been your biggest wins? What hasn't gone so well? What lessons have you taken away from these experiences? Are you ready to let them go now? This week, I wanted to have a little chat with you about how to build resilience in your children. So, what is resilience? According to Public Health England: "Resilience is described as the capacity to ‘bounce back’ from adverse experiences, and succeed despite adversity.” Those adverse experiences could be anything from falling out with friends to the loss of a family member (and anywhere in between). Some children are “born resilient”, in that they are able to bounce back from adversity quickly and naturally, whilst others find it much harder. This can even vary from sibling to sibling. Here are some of my top tips for raising resilient kids! Tip 1: Start a Daily Positivity Practice… At the end of each day, as your child to reflect on anything they did well, or “bounced back” from. Aim for 2-3 things, if they can. This helps to strengthen the neuropathways relating to resilience and self-love in their brains. The more they practice this, the strong the pathway, and the more resilient they will become. Tip 2: The Positivity Jar… At the start of each week, give your child 10 coins. Every time you notice them speak positively about themselves, ask them to add a coin to their Positivity Jar. Every time you notice them speak negatively about themselves, ask them to give you a coin and chat to them about why the comment wasn’t helpful. At the end of the week, count up the coins and see if they can beat the number of coins in the jar the following week. If they get all 10 coins in the jar, you could offer them a prize! Give them a go and let me know what you think. Check out ParentKind's useful article on resilience here. Oh, and here's a great children's book. And... That's it from me for another week! If you’d like a supportive ear, some advice and a chance to talk to someone, feel free to get in touch for a free, no-obligation chat today. If you like this post... Follow us Instagram. Like us on Facebook. Check us out on Twitter. If you aren't already, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn too, for more on children's mental health. Take care, Abby and the HappiMe Team x A Conversation About ResilienceHi, lovely.
How are you today? What have been your wins this week? Think of 3, if you can... What hasn't gone so well? What lessons have you taken away from these experiences? Today, I wanted to talk about what RESILIENCE - both what is is and how to build it. Now, if you're like me, you weren't one of the lucky ones born with the 'resilience gene'. This means you had to work hard to build it up! The truth is, I actually think that makes us lucky. To build resilience, you need to be able to grow in the face of adversity... Smile in the company of stress... Stand up when everything seems to be tumbling down... I think there's a real sense of accomplishment which comes with building your resilience from scratch. What do you think? Now, it's all well and good me saying, "oh, when you've got resilience, you'll be able to do all of these things..." but, how do we build it in the first place? Here are a few of my top tips for building resilience: 1. Daily reflection - When you're having your evening wee or when you're brushing your teeth, have a think about any hurdles you overcame that day. They might seem small, like not yelling at the person who cut in front of you on the roundabout, but they might also be bigger, like having the courage to be assertive with a colleague or friend. Smile and give yourself a pat on the back (but don't drop your tooth brush). Doing this daily will encourage you to focus on how resilient you already are. 2. Daily Journalling - Continuing on from tip 1, this is a great strategy for being able to look back on your wins. Again, the more time you spend thinking about the things you have done well, the more you will seek to do more of those things... This will in turn, of course, help to build your resilience. 3. Escape Your Comfort Zone - No one ever built resilience by doing the same thing every day. Think about babies... If they never try talking or walking repeatedly, they would never learn! My advice? Do 3 things each week that are out of your comfort zone... This could be talking to someone new, trying a new route to work, or even a brand new activity or hobby! Once you've given the tips a try for 30 days, I'd love to know how you got on! Feel free to contact me here. I hope you enjoyed today's blog. I aim to post every Tuesday, but don't worry - if you're following us on our socials, you will get a reminder there. Follow us Instagram. Like us on Facebook. Check us out on Twitter. If you aren't already, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn too, for more on children's mental health. Take care, Abby and the HappiMe Team x Our First Coaching ConversationHello, you. How're things?
Welcome to HappiMe's latest blog, 'Conversations with Your Coach'. Since this is new to us all, I thought I would explain a little bit about what to expect. My name is Abby and I am the lead children's coach and therapist here at HappiMe, and each week I will be having an informal chat on this thread; offering support, coaching and mentoring to you and your family. You can expect discussions on mental health, goal setting, boosting confidence... And everything in between. We'll aim to post every Tuesday, but don't worry - if you're following us on our socials, you will get a reminder there. Follow us Instagram. Like us on Facebook. Check us out on Twitter. If you aren't already, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn too, for more on children's mental health. Take care, Abby and the HappiMe Team x |
AuthorHere, HappiMe's Lead Children's Coach & Adult Counsellor, Abby, shares her advice on a new topic. Choose a category below: